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A mind for truth. A heart for God.

Reformed Informer

VOLUME MMXX, ISSUE 29 | November 23, 2020

In This Issue

  • All Classes Virtual 11/30 - 12/4
  • Bookstore Deal of the Week
  • Amateur Theological Society
  • Clothes Closet Christmas Open House
  • Clothes Closet Grand Book Giveaway
  • Final Exam Schedule
  • Ping-Pong and Pool Tournament Winners


       Nov. 26: Thanksgiving Day
       Nov. 30 - Dec. 4: Virtual Classes
     Dec. 1: Spring Registration Opens
       Dec. 4: Last Day of Classes
       Dec. 8 - 10: Final Exams
       Dec. 15: Virtual Discussion Forum
COVID-19 Reminders

  • Find a full explanation here.
  • Wash/sanitize hands when entering any campus building.
  • Maintain social distancing at all times.
  • Wear a mask in all public areas.
  • Do not exceed the posted social-distancing capacity of any space on campus.
  • Notify Jim Scott immediately if you learn that you have been exposed to the novel coronavirus, exhibit symptoms of COVID-19, or test positive for the virus.
  • Please sign-up to use the fitness center (gym, weight room, and racquetball court).
Campus Services (Thanksgiving Week)

Library Hours:                                                             Library Contact Info:
Monday, 8 am 8 pm                                                    (601) 923-1623
Tuesday, 2 pm  8 pm                                                  Library Website
Wednesday, 8 am 5 pm                                                 
Thursday Saturday, CLOSED

Bookstore Hours:                                                       Bookstore Contact Info:
Monday to Wednesday, 9 am 4 pm                            (601) 923-1616
                                                                                      Bookstore Facebook Page
                                                                                      Mind + Heart

Clothes Closet Hours:                                               Clothes Closet Contact Info:
Tuesday, 2 pm                                                              (601) 923-1649   

Student Services Hours:                                                     Student Services Contact Info:
Monday to Wednesday, 9 am – 4 pm                            (601) 923-1672
                                                                                     Campus Services Forms

Mailroom Hours:                                                        Mailroom Contact Information:
Monday to Wednesday,
9 am
3:30 pm                       (601) 923-1647

Student Billing Hours:                                              Student Billing Contact Info:
Monday to Wednesday, 8 am – 5 pm                           (601) 923-1717

Counseling Center Hours
:                                       Counseling Center Contact Info:
Telehealth Hours                                                          (601) 923-1645
Monday & Tuesday, 8 am – 8 pm                                 Counseling Center Website

In-Person Hours
Monday, 1 pm – 8 pm
All Classes Virtual 11/30 12/4
Unfortunately, COVID cases are continuing to spike across the nation. Due to growing concerns regarding COVID cases and upcoming Thanksgiving celebrations, RTS Jackson will conduct its last week of classes remotely (November 30 – December 4). Faculty members will host Zoom meetings for each class during this week. We apologize for this inconvenience, but we want to love and protect those in our community so that we can return the following week in-person for final exams.
Bookstore Deal of the Week
This week and next week, the RTS Jackson Bookstore is holding a "Second Chance Sale." From November 23 December 4 you can purchase any of this semester's Deals of the Week at their reduced price! In case you've forgotten, the available deals are...

  • The Life and Theology of Paul by Guy Prentiss Waters for $5.99
  • Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics by Daniel B. Wallace for $27.50
  • Against the Gods: The Polemical Theology of the Old Testament by John D. Currid for $8.
  • Our Secular Age: Ten Years of Reading and Applying Charles Taylor by Collin Hansen for $7.20
  • Watchfulness: Recovering a Lost Spiritual Discipline by Brian G. Hedges for $7.95
  • Lloyd-Jones: Messenger of Grace by Iain Murray for $15.95
  • Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography by Iain Murray for $19.95
  • The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller for $9
  • Ancient Egypt and the Old Testament by John Currid for $7.25
  • Glass RTS Mugs for $3.90
  • The Reason For God by Timothy Keller for $9.00
Amateur Theological Society
The Amateur Theological Society is a society for students looking to get a taste of academic work while studying here at RTS. We aim to serve Christ and his church by sharpening each other's academic work and pushing each other to become better scholars. We will meet on December 11 to present and discuss papers we've written during our studies, and lunch will also be served free-of-charge.

If you would like to make a presentation, please email an abstract of your paper to Parker Mansfield at no later than December 5. All are welcome to join in the discussion!

Lunch will also be served free-of-charge, so, if you plan to attend, please register for the event using this form no later than Saturday, December 5.
When: Saturday, December 5 from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm
Where: Sam Patterson Student Center

Come one, come all on December 5 to the 16th Annual Clothes Closet Christmas Open House! This year we will be again hosting the Open House in the dining room of the Student Center. Join us for free decorations, gifts, toys, Christmas clothes, and much more! Refreshments will also be served during the Open House!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Contact Kathy Eldridge with any questions.
Clothes Closet Grand Book Giveaway
From Tuesday, November 17 through Tuesday, December 1, the Clothes Closet will be holding its first-ever Grand Book Giveaway! Visit the hallway outside the Clothes Closet for a large selection of books, including everything from novels to theology books to hobby guides to children's books. Everything is free, of course, so take as many books as you like!

Contact Kathy Eldridge with any questions.
Final Exam Schedule
Ping-Pong and Pool Tournament Winners!
Congratulations to Jim Scott and David White for winning this semester's Ping-Pong and Pool Tournaments! And thank you to everyone who participated this semester!
EMAIL The Informer

Reformed Informer submissions and feedback should be sent to Matthew Pinckard at All submissions must be in by Wednesday, noon, prior to the Monday edition.

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